Friday, May 20, 2016

Creating websites

Adding content to the Website using

We started the first session with planning of how we would like our website to look like. The planning was not that easy however it was completed. We then started collecting pictures to add on the website only creative commons license pictures were used. Flickr picture were another kind of pictures we were advised to use. After both the completion of the planning phase we then moved to the upper gear where the technical engagement took place.
We added the videos from YouTube and added some podcasts which was quite astonishing to practice.  

What to add to the website is such a challenge, my website will deal strongly with the Research data Management (RDM) and it looks like it is going to be an uphill battle as there are not many website for content hence building an academic website is not easy but it is a journey I’m prepared to those who wish to know some few tricks on how to build a website this video is for you. Click here to watch the video